Every day at Footprints is special

A typical day at Footprints begins with a breakfast of low-sugar cereal and a bread product such as toast, bagels, pancakes, muffins or croissants. After breakfast, the working day begins with either outdoor play or a choice of stimulating activities from the shelves of the classroom; these include Montessori activities along with role play, books, crafts, painting, sand and water. When the weather is suitable (most times of the year), children are able to take their learning into their outdoor free-flow area if they wish.

At ten o’clock, a snack is put out for the children to access when they are ready; this is followed by more free activities or lessons with outside teachers, such as, music, yoga or sports. We call morning activities in the top three rooms, our work cycle and we try to interrupt the children’s work as little as possible. Staff work with children to extend their learning or introduce them to new activities. Lunch is served at twelve o’clock, after which the younger, under three children have a sleep or rest.

In the afternoon, after a small snack, the children have the freedom to choose activities that interest them. We always ensure some outdoor time, and we may plan a walk to our woodland area. Tea is served at four o’clock, followed by quiet activities or outside play until the children are collected between five and six o’clock.

The timetable for a typical day

This is an example of a typical day:

08:00 Nursery Opens

08:00 – 08:45 Breakfast

09:00 – 12:00 Inside or outside activities (snack during morning activities)

12:00 Lunchtime

13:00 – 14:30 Younger years nap time

13:00 – 16:00 Inside or outside activities

16:00 Teatime

17:00 Inside or outside activities

18:00 Nursery closes

Parents are welcome to drop off or pick up their child at any time, but we ask that you inform the staff in your child’s room if you are going to drop off after 9 a.m. or pick upp. earlier than 5 pm.

Indoor and outdoor space

In all of our nursery rooms children are encouraged to use the indoor and outdoor space as much as possible. With free flow into outside areas in all but the worst weather conditions. As we encourage outside activity all year-round, we do ask parents to ensure their children come to nursery in appropriate clothes for the weather and time of year. Visit the ‘what to bring’ section for more details.

Healthy food and drinks included

Where children will be staying for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we ask parents not provide any food or snacks from home. We have a dedicated on-site kitchen that provides fresh daily meals and snacks for the children.

“My four year old joined Footprints after years at another nursery. She has never been so happy, engaged and stimulated in a childcare environment. She settled in very quickly, which is testament to the warmth of all of the staff. The variety of activities available to the children is fantastic. I cannot recommend this nursery highly enough! “
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