Flopsy Bunnies welcomes babies up to 16 months

In our baby room you will find dedicated staff who are experienced in looking after the youngest members of our little community. They will be treated with gentleness and respect and nurtured with kindness and a thorough knowledge of child development. When your baby enters the nursery, staff will work with you to make sure that his/her routine is disrupted as little as possible and will be happy to talk to you on the phone should you be worried about him/her or just want to know what he/she is doing. Daily feedback will be given throughout his/her stay with us so you will not miss out on any of his/her little achievements, and a digital camera will never be far away in order to present a private pictorial record for you to access via our Eylog parent app.
Babies of this age are developing fast and the activities provided reflect this; there are mobiles, rattles and teethers for the youngest babies, treasure baskets for the ‘sitters’ and furniture that is safe for the crawlers to pull themselves up on. There is also a baby gym to practice manoeuvring steps and slopes, mirrors for self-examination, musical toys, pop up toys and others which require the child to push, turn or pull knobs and buttons in order to elicit a response.
Nursery rhymes, action songs and finger plays are beginning to be learnt at this age and books are always available to look at individually or with a favourite adult. Staff in Flopsy Bunnies are also trained in baby signing and use it together with language as an aid to the babies understanding.